Five steps to making a Powerful Apology

Just saying you’re sorry does not constitute an apology. Especially if you repeat the behavior. Saying you’re sorry and doing it again begins to fall on deaf ears. An apology goes far beyond just saying you’re sorry. It begins by saying that you are...

Why do we struggle?

So, why do we struggle and perpetuate this insanity of doing the same things over and over, hoping for different results, yet not really getting anything to substantially change? How is that we, perfectly intelligent human beings, continue to struggle and suffer? It...

Three types of complaints

First type of complaint You see a problem. You state a complaint. “I don’t like this!” You see that you can take action to resolve the problem. You then take action. You resolve the problem. This has been a purposeful complaint. Second type of...

Powerful Completion Process

1. Acceptance What I accept about you is… 2. Forgive I forgive you for… 3. Apologize I am sorry for… I take responsibility for the impact this caused for you What I am taking on for myself as a result is… 4. Express Gratitude I am grateful...

Living an Extraordinary Life

There are basically only two ways for life to exist – in the state of survival, or in the state of thriving. What is ordinary for most people is to be in survival. What is extraordinary is to be thriving. The state that we are in is a direct result of the...