Executive Leadership Development Program Outline
Creating Breakthroughs
We establish the foundation for creating radical breakthrough results – not just a little bit faster or better.
- The insanity of doing more of the same
- Defining breakthroughs
- Circle of knowledge and the Johari Window
- The 4 levels of coachability
- Ordinary vs. extraordinary
- Three pillars for success
Creating the context of sufficiency
We examine the pervasive cultural context of scarcity, and then look at the breakthrough context of sufficiency and how to practice using it.
- 3 myths of scarcity
- 3 truths of sufficiency
- Creating the three lists for practicing sufficiency
- Using the Law of Attraction to create abundance
Reading: The Soul of Money, The Secret
Creating a new blueprint for success
We examine how we created the self-imposed limitations to our personal success, and then create a new pathway to personal power.
- Distinguishing the auditory, visual and kinesthetic self-imposed limitations
- The probable almost certain future
- Understanding the vicious circle – and dismantling it
- Creating the new “files” for personal power
Reading: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
The organization is always a reflection of its leadership. Leadership of the team begins with the leader.
- 21 habits that get in the way
- 5 powerful practices
- Creating a powerful vision
- Completing the past
Readings: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, Self-Leadership and the One Minute Manager, Who Moved My Cheese, Yes-You Can Make a Difference.
Situational Leadership
Enhancing the ability of leaders to work effectively in managing individuals
- 3 principles of One-Minute Management
- ABC methodology
- Using the PRICE method
- The 2 leadership behaviors and the 4 leadership styles
- Situational Leadership II matrix
- Contracting for effective results
Readings: The One Minute Manager, Putting the One Minute Manager to Work, Leadership and the One Minute Manager
Team Leadership
Leading a team is far more complex than managing individuals and requires a different level of skills
- 4 stages of a team’s growth
- 4 elements of high performance teams
- 5 skills needed to build a dream team
- Communicating the vision to the team – being a leader that inspires
- Rules for brainstorming
- Holding effective meetings
Readings: Fish, Gung Ho, Our Iceberg is Melting
The single most important skill for leaders
- Understanding the 3 elements of upsets
- 3 dimensions of powerful listening – content, background, commitment
- Practice exercises for developing listening skills
- 8 steps for making a powerful request
Reading: Listening forOpportunity
Time Management
Becoming a master of managing one’s time is key to effective leadership
- Rocks exercise
- 168 hours
- Creating visual time blocks
- 4 quadrants of time management
- Goals, projects, tasks and 3 MIT’s
Readings: First Things First, The Power of Less
Marketing & Sales
Creating the effective mindset and behaviors to attract and have perfect customers
- Creating a Strategic Attraction Plan
- Unique Core Differentiators
- Qualified referrals
- Hi-level professional sales process
Readings: Attracting Perfect Customers, One Minute Sales Person
You can only improve what you measure
- Skills for creating visual displays
- Determining what to measure – Key Performance Indicators
- Setting up the important charts
Financial strategies
- 4 methods of increasing profitability
- Importance of cash flow
- How to establish good projections
- Setting up the future financial health of the organization
Wellness and health
Your health and the health of your team is your most important asset
- Cost of unhealthy employees
- Importance of health in relation to productivity and profitability
- Priorities to master in the areas of nutrition, cardiovascular exercise, strength, rest and stress management