Evolving Health Seminar

Welcome to Evolving Health

Maximize your energy using the wisdom of science and divine design

Do you struggle with your health or fitness?
Are you missing that energy you used to have?
Are you tired of the aches and pains?
Are you just tired?
Has your body taken on a shape that is not the real you?
Are you always on the go and never seem to have time to take care of yourself?
Are you exhausted at the end of your week?
Are you stuck on a plateau?
Have you given up trying anymore?

If you answered yes to any of these, then this program is for YOU!

Evolving Health is a comprehensive program that will give you the tools to radically increase your energy and vitality!  You will begin the journey to transforming your health and fitness for a lifetime!

Your course leader is Ruben J Guzman, MPH (Masters in Public Health)

The author of a hot new book Evolving Health, Coach Ruben possesses over 30 years of experience in the health field: attended three years at the UC Davis School of Medicine, Master’s degree in Public Health from UCLA specializing in behavioral sciences/health promotion, hospital administrator, personal trainer, nutrition consultant, clinical exercise specialist and yoga instructor. Having gone through his own health challenge and then losing 50+ pounds in 1995, Coach Ruben provides a living demonstration of what it takes to enjoy a lifestyle filled with energy, vitality and productivity.

“Evolving Health presents a comprehensive guide to what you need to know about improving your health. In our research studies, we have found that it does not matter how old you are or how long you may have followed a less-than-perfect diet. Simple steps will get you on the path to the best of health. This book (program) provides a clear and precise map to those steps.”
    – Neal D. Barnard, MD, President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Begins Tuesday, March 1st, 2012

Capital Athletic Club, 1515 8th Street, Sacramento

Open to the general public and CAC members


23 Thursdays, beginning, March 1st, 2012. No session on July 5.  

$ 75 deposit and registration fee, plus $ 150 course tuition for CAC members, $250 course tuition for non-members

Total of $225 is due by first session for CAC members, non-members $325

 Two courses will be offered concurrently at the Capital Athletic Club:

Lunchtime group from 12 noon to 1 pm. Evening group from 6:30 to 7:45 pm

Groups are limited in size due to space. Deposit will reserve your space.

To register, click here: Evolving Health Program


Evolving Health! – Course Description

EVOLVING HEALTH is a comprehensive six-month program designed to radically increase your energy and vitality!

You will transform your health and fitness for a lifetime! First, you will be empowered to radically alter your thinking around health and fitness, and then you will be provided the most powerful secrets to enhancing your nutrition, cardiovascular exercise, strength, flexibility, weight loss and stress management and more. Then, you will be guided to create a new structure to sustain your new lifestyle.

Three major elements to this course:

  1. Shifting the thinking, mindset, attitudes, and paradigm around health
  2. Creating corresponding actions and behaviors consistent with our divine design
  3. Creating a new structure for support and accountability – to sustain the shifts in mindset and behavior

By the time you complete the program, you will:

  • Understand how the energy state you are in determines your results
  • Create a new context for your health
  • Recognize how you subconsciously developed your blueprint for health
  • Create a new blueprint for fitness and health
  • Discover the three-pronged approach to successful fat reduction
  • Learn how to eat for a higher metabolism
  • Learn how to break any plateau with effective cardiovascular exercise
  • Learn how to strengthen your body in as few as three exercises
  • Learn how to responsibly and effectively manage your stress
  • Create definitive goals and a plan of action for your success
  • And much, much more!!


1          Introductions and overview of the course

2          Creating Breakthroughs — Establishing the foundation for creating a thriving healthy lifestyle

3          Eliminating Self-Sabotage – Identifying your survival mechanism pattern and dismantling it

4          Soul of Fitness I, Scarcity – Identifying the limits placed on us by our society

5          Soul of Fitness II, Sufficiency – breaking free of the cultural paradigm that limits us

6          Secrets of the Fit Mind I – Identifying the old blueprint and pattern of unfit consciousness

7          Secrets of the Fit Mind II – Creating a new blueprint for a healthy and fit consciousness and body

8          Model for Health – What you do is not as important as the state your brain/body is in

9          Beyond Dieting — 3-prong approach for effective fat reduction and control for a lifetime

10         Nutrition I — A logical approach to fueling the body based on physiology and biochemistry

11         Nutrition II – Ruben’s Food Ladder and demystifying the common myths

12         Supplementation – Sensible guidelines to adding nutritional support

13         Cardio Exercise — Breaking the plateau forever! Learning to raise metabolism

14         Strength I — Enjoying life and getting rid of aches and pains!

15         Strength II & Flexibility – 3 core exercises for a total body workout and more

16         Powerful Living I — Responsibly and effectively managing stress, external stressors

17         Powerful Living II – Relationships, communication and internal stressors

18         Creating the Structure I – Integrity, the foundation for a thriving lifestyle

19         Creating the Structure II – Setting goals for a thriving lifestyle

20         Creating the Structure III – Time management and creating the plan, support team

21         Progress check-in I, Q & A, coaching

22         Progress check-in II, Q & A, coaching

23         Completion, Celebration and New Beginning – Potluck and inspiration

Feedback and testimonials from participants in Evolving Health program

About Ruben:

  • Great!
  • Well educated on subject plus life experience
  • Caring – wants people to do well
  • Knowledgeable, entertaining
  • Good, clear, funny
  • Warm, upbeat, optimistic
  • Very organized, passionate, genuine
  • Very enthusiastic – contagiously so!
  • Humorous and very knowledgeable
  • Awesome, great presenter, good interaction
  • Lots of fun and never boring!

A few of the testimonials about the program:

  • The best diet/exercise/health program I’ve come across! – Bob Vopacke
  • Absolutely excellent program! – Charlotte Parks, MFT
  • High quality and very enjoyable program – Kathy Fong, Wellness Coach, Sutter Health
  • Very organized and information-packed! – Brianna Mitchell, Holistic hynotherapist

Some of the breakthroughs:

I had quit smoking a few months before attending. However, I was eating lots of sweets, sodas, junk food to replace my nicotine habit. My wife encouraged me to participate in this program. I wasn’t sure I wanted to attend. I thought I would be forced to become a vegan, and I wasn’t ready for that. She explained that the class was more about healthy living. What I discovered in the program was how to create more energy with aerobic exercise, and how to feel better by eating more vegetables and fruits. I now exercise 5 days a week! I feel better in all areas – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I also noticed that when I don’t exercise regularly, I have much less energy. So, that keeps me motivated to keep exercising! – Harvey McDaniel, Insurance

Before the program, I wasn’t sure about the most efficient way to maximize my exercising, and I ate meat and dairy. I decided to participate so I could learn information for myself and my clients. What I discovered from being in the program was the most efficient exercise program, and a food ladder that I agree with and could share with my clients. I then became vegan fully for six weeks, and am staying mostly vegetarian with occasional fish, and have been regularly exercising 5 – 6 days per week! As a result, I feel clearer spiritually and have increased my energy!! – Brianna Mitchell, Holistic clinical hypnotherapist

I was aware of my poor health and physical state before the program, but I was unaware of the poor nutrition I had. I decided to participate because I had overheard part of the previous program and was impressed. Some of the key things I learned were the unfathomable lies we are told by the food and beverage world and manufacturers. Subsequently, I became a vegan and increased my physical fitness program. As a result, I have lost 15 pounds, and feel like I am honest with myself for the first time around food. I have broken my addiction to sugar and it feels great!! – Charlotte Parks, MFT

My goal was to exercise more regularly and eat healthier. I ate pretty healthy already, but I was irregular in my exercise. I chose to participate in this program because I wanted to know more about being healthy and I wanted to find strategies that would help me do more of what I needed. In the program, I learned why I had a hard time exercising consistently – my old blueprint was that adult women (my mother) did not exercise – what was important was to be thin and beautiful. I also gained a greater understanding about how my body works!! Subsequently, I decided to take responsibility for my exercise. I even worked out 6 days last week! I am really committed to exercising and getting even more healthy. I also gained the perspective of “living into possibility.” As a result of being in this program, I am getting stronger physically, I feel good emotionally, I am mentally alert and spiritually connected! – Kathy Fong, Wellness Coach, Sutter Health

Before the program I was confronted by lots of contradictory health and fitness information. I had experimented with lots of trial and error trying to sort things out. I decided to participate in this program because Ruben sounded like he knows what he’s talking about, AND John Early vouched for him. I learned LOTS! Red Zone, eating every 3 hours, increasing mitochondria in cells through aerobic exercise, strength exercises, why are we drinking another species’ milk, and especially why are adults drinking it? Glass of water in the morning, incline push-up, transformational principles reviewed, body-fat measurement. In fact, I was somewhat shocked by my percent body fat and what if should be! Subsequently, I began aerobic exercise 5-6 times a week. I quit drinking milk or using butter. I have water every morning and I do strength exercises. Because I quit dairy, I have stopped blowing my nose all the time. I have been consistently losing half to one pound of fat a week. When I went snowshoeing with my friends, I used to be in the middle or the back of the pack. Now, I’m way out in front and waiting for the others to catch up! How great is that! – Bob Vopacke, hiking enthusiast in his late 60’s!

Before starting Ruben’s program, my clothes didn’t fit comfortably, my blood pressure was too high, my stamina too low, I didn’t like the way my body looked in the mirror, I was concerned about my life expectancy, concerned over some physical and emotional areas that I want to be healed – and I couldn’t SEE how to heal in any of those areas. I then made the decision to change. “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” That’s when Ruben showed up. I discovered that I desired to be healthier more than I desired to not be. I also saw that I could release my old concerns about how long it was going to take to see/feel results – it’s about the journey. My original physical goal was to have the healthy physical appearance that Ruben has (as close as I could with my body) by the end of the program. I also wanted to experience major steps forward in achieving visible/emotional/spiritual success over my concerns. My commitment was to follow the program faithfully. A goal is fine, but it also must contain the commitment, otherwise, forget the goal. The first day of class, the first actions I took were to get rid of all the foods in my home that aren’t part of the program, and replaced them with foods that are. Next, I changed my exercise routine; increased my cardio with more walks, jogging, and small weights done to dancing CD’s in my living room. I have made this whole program into a PLAY DATE. This is not work or drudgery, and I focus on the fun and the end results, not on where I am right now. Some of the results:

Physically : Clothes are fitting looser, wearing a suit I’ve not been able to get into for over 6 years, body looking slimmer, people noticing and commenting (how cool is that!), stamina up in all areas, blood pressure down.

Emotionally/Mentally : I feel the success, the determination, THE KNOWING, the patience, the joy, the willingness without the judgments of time or looks.

Spiritually : In my heart I see and know that I got the message at the right time because I’ve got a lot of personal accomplishments and exampling to do before I’m finished on the planet in this lifetime, and I am so very thankful for the time and energy to get at it. DO THIS PROGRAM!

– John Early, entrepreneur

I am recovering from cancer and all that it entails. Before I started this course, I was depressed, a couch potato, very weak and unbalanced. I was told by my doctor that at this age and weight, I would be stuck for the rest of my life. In Ruben’s program, I learned that what I had perceived as an obstacle, truly believing it to be an impossibility – just isn’t so! I have NEVER taken such a comprehensive, condensed health class that addresses ALL aspects of health – diet, exercise, stress, spirit – from a person of such great warmth, integrity, and who WALKS his talk! I learned specifics on nutrition and exercise to a whole different level. Ruben is not a “do as I say” kinda guy. He gives you the WHY of it all. He inspires you to feel joyful in the challenge and opportunity of living a life of great wellness. He is very clear and easy to follow. He uses multimedia, listening, reading, powerpoint, is very interactive… all types of learners will relate. He is an outstanding speaker and presenter! Funny, compassionate, total expert in his field, a very compelling and inspiring speaker. I now know that I will recover strength through daily exercise and a vegan lifestyle. I have given up meat and dairy. I meditate daily. I feel HOPEFUL now – dare I say CONFIDENT – that I CAN regain and improve my health following cancer. Some of my results so far are that my rosacea (which was really bad) has cleared. I have lost six pounds in six weeks. I have given up caffeine and sodas, and my urine is clear for the first time! I feel more alert and energetic than ever! This program is a MUST!!
– Elisabeth, cancer survivor, writer

Before I participated in this course I was unable to loose weight. I have been wanting to feel “light” for a very long time – years. I had also struggled with severe exercise-induced asthma for about ten years. As a registered nurse at Sutter, I thought I knew a lot about health and nutrition. In Ruben’s course I discovered the many “myths” about food and exercise, and learned the “truths” of how the body truly works – based on the physiology and biochemistry of our human design. Ruben’s presentation was excellent and well organized. He is clear, concise, motivational and REAL. I have now incorporated an entirely vegan food plan and have discovered exciting recipes! I plan to be more consistent with exercise, strength and cardio. As a result of being in the program, I have lost six pounds in seven weeks. I feel lighter! I have no more heartburn! I enjoy good food. And my breathing has improved substantially – I no longer have “asthma.”

– Laraine Carver, RN, Sutter Health

Award-winning speaker, Ruben J. Guzman, M.P.H. lives as proof of what he presents. Having personally lost over 50 pounds of fat, he has completely transformed his health and fitness since 1995. Ruben – a health promotion specialist for over 20 years, has conducted programs for various organizations including the California State Capitol, City of Sacramento, Hewlett-Packard, VSP, Intel, UC Davis, Kaiser and Mercy Healthcare, the Los Angeles County Sheriffs, and several departments for the State. He is also an expert speaker for Vistage, the world’s largest CEO organization, and travels extensively training executives in health, leadership and communication. He holds a Masters degree in Public Health (MPH) from UCLA specializing in Behavioral Sciences and Health Promotion, spent three years at UC Davis Medical School. He has also been a professional swimming coach for over 29 years. Ruben is nationally certified as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant, and has successfully coached and trained many champions in sports, business and health. His dynamic energy is both inspirational and motivating!


In 1981 I had a couple of experiences that would help establish a foundation for my path in health and fitness. I was a pathologist’s assistant, working at Los Robles Regional Medical Center in Thousand Oaks, in Southern California. I had graduated from college the year before, was busy working and also was preparing to enter medical school.

A couple of weeks after I had recovered from a bout of mononucleosis, I began noticing that I was having a pattern of great gastrointestinal difficulty with mild diarrhea every morning, but only in the morning. I had no other symptoms such as fever or anything else, but I was beginning to get a little tired of the inconvenience and discomfort. So, after a couple of weeks of this difficulty, I asked Doctor Glover, the senior pathologist, if he could help me understand my problem. He asked me several questions which seemed inconsequential. But then, he started asking me about what I ate. I explained what I ate for breakfast, and he nodded and said “ahmm.” Then I explained what I usually ate for lunch, and he nodded and said “ahmm.” I explained what I usually ate for dinner, and he nodded and said “ahmm.” Then he asked me if there was anything else…to which I replied that I usually had a bowl of ice cream before retiring for the evening. In response, he raised his eyebrows and said “aha!” He then proceeded to explain to me that I was probably lactose intolerant and that I should eliminate the ice cream from my diet. “Not my ice cream!” I rebelled. So, reluctantly, I complied. But then I noticed that my symptoms also disappeared! And so began my education in nutrition – with a direct appreciation of the relationship between nutrition and health.

One of the duties of my job was assisting in performing autopsies. I realize it may not sound so glamorous or appealing, but I assure you it was an absolutely powerful education. I learned so much about HOW people live since the evidence is quite apparent when they die. One case will remain indelibly etched in my mind. It was the autopsy of a woman in her mid-seventies. She had come to the hospital and died very soon thereafter. What was so unusual about this woman was the condition of her body. She appeared completely healthy – very different from the usual cases. As we began to evaluate her internal organs, we were surprised even further. Her internal organs were as pristine as those of a newborn child! Doctor Glover had never seen such a case. It was truly an amazing sight. It was discovered that the woman’s death was caused by a very rare undiagnosed heart defect that in most cases would rarely allow those who had this defect to live past the age of twenty. Why, then, was this woman able to live far beyond the norm? How had she beat the odds? We later discovered that she was a Seventh Day Adventist, one of the longest living groups of people on the planet. The answer seemed to be in HOW she lived – walking five miles a day, eating a vegetarian diet, and taking great care of her body. And so began my education in health and fitness – seeing a powerful example of how to beat the odds.

Another key observation I made from all the autopsies was as a result of a “special” responsibility I had as part of my duties. I know this may sound a little gross, but one of my responsibilities was to dissect the entire gastrointestinal tract and prepare it for the pathologist to examine and take sections for histologic (microscopic) examination, which we did of every organ. Why was this gross, you ask? Well, I basically had to take the entire length of the intestinal tract – 14 to 17 feet – put it in a wash basin, and under running water, I would split open the entire tract and clean it out by hand. Since most of the autopsies were on people who had died of some chronic illness, I noticed something in common with nearly all of them. They nearly all had intestinal tracts that looked, felt and smelled very different from the woman who was a Seventh Day Adventist. These people had intestinal tracts that had much thinner muscular walls. The internal lining was often slimy and mucoid, and lacked much of the folds (rugae) of a healthy tract. It was usually sticky and difficult to clean out. Much of the chyme (food in the digestive tract) that consisted of meat was undigested, since meat doesn’t really break down in the intestinal tract – it just putrifies. Therefore, the smell was awful. If you weren’t ready for it, the smell would easily make you throw up. All these cases were very different from that of the Seventh Day Adventist. Her intestinal tract had thick, healthy muscular walls. The lining had all the folds of a healthy tract and the contents cleaned out very easily. And, the smell was almost insignificant, comparatively speaking. I truly got to see first hand that we are what we eat, and the evidence was clear in the end.

But it wasn’t enough for me to just know how to eat and keep the body healthy and fit. I would have to go through the experience of having to regain health and fitness… for myself. In 1990 I ruptured my Achilles tendon while engaged in my favorite activity – playing basketball. After the surgery, my physician told me that I should hang up the shoes and that I would never be able to play basketball again without risk of rupturing the tendon again. Of course, I believed him, and thus began an incredible state of depression. For me, not being able to play basketball was depriving me of an important part of my life. For the next four years, I put my head in the toilet and my eating habits went out the window. Before I realized it, I had gained over fifty pounds! Then the day of reckoning happened. I looked at myself in the mirror and said “ENOUGH!!!” I had made a solemn promise to myself a long time before that I would never let myself get overweight like my father had done. Now it was time to re-commit to that promise. And so, I took action. I knew what to do, but knowing makes no difference – I just had to do it. Well, after about a year, I completely lost all the fat and weighed the same that I had when I was a senior in high school, on the basketball and swimming teams. By the way, I now play basketball!

My three years of education in medical school at U.C. Davis was incredibly valuable. I learned so much about the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pathology of the body. I also learned that most chronic disease is totally preventable, and that I really did not want to treat sick people with pharmaceutical drugs. My independent research led me to then pursue a Master’s degree in Public Health at U.C.L.A., specializing in Behavioral Sciences and Health Education. Then, after working nine years in healthcare administration, I took a break from the corporate setting and lost my weight. I then worked for several years as a clinical exercise specialist, training people to live healthier lives by strengthening their bodies and improving their nutrition. It was by doing this work that I came to realize that my passion is to continue to help people lead healthier and happier lives. I had conducted health education programs related to health and fitness for nearly twenty years. Now, I am committed to bringing my message to the world.

What I have to share with you in these sessions is a transformational approach to attaining optimal health, energy and vitality. I have compiled information that I not only believe, but have also tested… not only on myself, but with countless clients and seminar participants who have embraced my instruction. However, I encourage you NOT to believe everything you hear or read. God knows, there is a tremendous amount of misinformation out there, and a lot of it has to do with just one thing – your money. I invite you to consider what I have to present with a completely open mind. Some of this you may quite readily agree with. Other things will be questionable to you. Yet some things will seem quite revolutionary. Just stay open-minded and consider that this information has already proven itself many times. And maybe, some of it may work for you. So relax, and enjoy the journey. And, thank you for letting me share myself with you.

Ruben J. Guzman, M.P.H.


This program is not for those who are hopeful for yet another possible solution to an unending string of failures to lose weight or get healthy. This program is not for those who are still undecided as to whether or not they can commit to making the lifestyle changes that are needed to turn their health around. This program is not for those who are interested in “trying” yet another option.

In the words of Yoda – “There is no try. There is only do.”

This program is for those of you who are clear that “This is it! No more!” No longer will you accept defeat. No longer will you accept failure. No longer will you be a victim of what you can’t even figure out.

This program is for those who are ready to evolve to a whole new level.  Evolutionaries commit to growth, to opening up, to development, to moving forward and to setting themselves free.  For the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves also.

If you are unwilling to commit, and I mean 100% commit, then don’t do this program. Pass this up for now and come back to it when you are ready. But, if you are ready, then buckle up and hold on tight. Get ready to go for a ride that will forever alter the way you live your life, your health, your energy, your vitality – everything.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Now, let’s go!